Archive for the ‘fitness’ Category

Day 7 – Morte

Posted: May 8, 2011 by mortedeldraco in Diving, fitness, Morte, weight loss

Well then, today was a rather crap day as the weather was not great at all and I still went diving in freezing cold weather. I am not very comfortable at the moment, trying to warm up so this is my blog for the day

Day 6 – Morte

Posted: May 7, 2011 by mortedeldraco in Diving, fitness, Morte, weight loss

Today was a fantastic day, I did not got to gym as I was going scuba diving which is a new passion of mine. I find it very soothing and relaxing, don’t get me wrong this isn’t a relax day, scubda diving is quite a workout when you think about it. Just to give you a run down… The cylinder weights are 20kgs, then there is getting into the confounded wetsuit, not to mention all the weights I need to carry for my to sink (13kgs). So essentially we kit up by our car then walk down to the water which is about 100meters away, as you get into the water yes you float but there is a lot of resistance against you while swimming on the surface. I am absolutely loving diving, cannot wait to go tomorrow!!

Day 5 – Morte

Posted: May 7, 2011 by mortedeldraco in fitness, Morte, weight loss

Right yesterday was day 5 for me however I did not go to gym as I was really ill the day before and was feeling very very weak. I did however walk to the shops n back in the afternoon which is probably around 2.2km round trip. My sleeping habits still haven’t changed as they are still very irregular (eg. I slept over 10 hours yesterday)

Day 4 – Morte

Posted: May 5, 2011 by mortedeldraco in fitness, Morte, weight loss

No gyming today as first off I only got to sleep around 3am and not to mention me being sick. Will see how I feel tomorrow!

Day 3 – Morte

Posted: May 4, 2011 by mortedeldraco in fitness, Morte, weight loss

Well Its now Day 3 of this adventure and I am already running out of things to say (which is annoying Nyx to no end :P) I am not the creative type nor the talking type so for 2 days its quite a feat for me. But anyways now I know (*coughs* Nyx *coughs*)  I shall start putting more info in here but dont expect it to be lengthy at all. Woke up this morning early to get to gym so that i dont have to battle rush hour traffic which in return proved to be pointless. So I decided to go a little later. I did the same routine as I have been doing for the last 2 days as I am not that concerned about the strengthening as much as I am about my fitness and endurance. The gyms was still surprisingly packed, making me think not a hell of people work these days or at least to the normal conventions. Got myself onto the bike and set my time for again 1 hr. The wall hit me again today but it only really hit me at around the 42 min mark which I am very happy about! I decided to change my routine just a slight tad today on the bike where as the timer hit 59 min I increased the resistance level to about 15 (running around 4 the whole time before) I felt my legs burning 30 seconds into it, but it felt good so I pushed myself through the last 30 seconds. I am finding that I am keeping the distance around 26 km each time which is good for now until I am used the routine and then I will start pushing myself harder. I did my cool down laps around the track and then had to skip the super circuits as I needed to go do some work. Lately I have been having trouble staying awake and sleeping most of the day away which I am hoping that this adventure will help correct. So far I haven’t noticed much of a difference in terms of that and probably wont for the next week or so. I am however at times feeling rather energetic and need to do something, anything.  Now that I have been given “pointers” from Nyx, I have created a playlist for my ipod and will give it a test tomorrow and let you know about it.