Day 6 – Morte

Posted: May 7, 2011 by mortedeldraco in Diving, fitness, Morte, weight loss

Today was a fantastic day, I did not got to gym as I was going scuba diving which is a new passion of mine. I find it very soothing and relaxing, don’t get me wrong this isn’t a relax day, scubda diving is quite a workout when you think about it. Just to give you a run down… The cylinder weights are 20kgs, then there is getting into the confounded wetsuit, not to mention all the weights I need to carry for my to sink (13kgs). So essentially we kit up by our car then walk down to the water which is about 100meters away, as you get into the water yes you float but there is a lot of resistance against you while swimming on the surface. I am absolutely loving diving, cannot wait to go tomorrow!!

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