Day 1 – Morte

Posted: May 2, 2011 by mortedeldraco in Fitness, Morte, Weight loss

Well first day in the gym and I my legs are like jelly. They are BURNING like crazy!!! Started with my stretches, and warmed up around the track with a brisk jog then I hit the elliptical which I got off after about 5 min simply because I couldn’t “do it” it felt weird. So I headed off to the bicycle with a target of atleast 30 min, 25 min into it and I decided to go longer, double my target. I hit the proverbial wall at around 40 min, I just wanted to get off this devil of a contraption. Think I thought what would happen to me if Nyx were here with me. Well I stuck at it and made it thru the full 60 min, then I did a cool down brisk walk around the track for a few min. After that I went a did a round of the super circuits which is strength and cardio training all in one. I can definitely feel the workout and can almost guarantee that I am going to feel it even more later on.
Did my intial weight in and I was: 137kgs / 301lbs

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