Day 1 – Nyx

Posted: May 2, 2011 by Nyx in Fitness, Nyx, Weight loss
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Arm: 10.5″
Bust: 39.5″
Waist: 30″
Hips: 39″
Thigh: 22″
Weight: 153 lbs
(I somehow gained 2 lbs in 2 days >.<)

35 minutes on the treadmill. 2.17 miles completed in that time.
Max heart rate: 189
Average Heart Rate: 181
(only measured HR after jog interval)
Average speed: 16:30/mile

Lat Pulldown: 50lbs, 10 times, 3 sets
Incline Press: 50 lbs, 10 times, 3 sets
Leg Press: 70lbs, 15 times, 3 sets
Arm Curl: 10lbs, 10 times, 3 sets
Shoulder Press: 20 lbs, 10 times, 3 sets


I was up at 4:30 this morning because one of the dogs in the house needed to go outside, so I just got up and started getting ready. I read Morte's post, lazed around for a bit, and then took off for the gym. It is a bit of a drive to get there, and I had to stop to buy water, which sucked.

Note to self: find and wash water bottle for use at the gym.

I walked in, warmed up, did my interval training on the treadmill, did my weights, cooled down, and ran out the door to make it to school on time. It was an amazing feeling to be that energized off so little sleep, especially since I had my first day of classes today. Hitting the gym in the morning is probably the best thing I could do, and I'm happy I've decided to do it this way.

Now, I have a ton of studying to do for my psych class, so I'm just going to wrap this up. Tomorrow is my "rest day", which means I focus on cardio. I'll give you a better write up tomorrow, I promise!

Peace, Love and Frogs,

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