Posts Tagged ‘routine’

Morte and I were chatting last night about how we feel, and how we look.  We’re both unhappy about ourselves and I suggested a challenge between the two of us.  Why don’t we push each other to go to the gym, eat better foods and (in Morte’s case) drink less? It would be way more fun to do this together, and we can help each other.  Workout buddies for the win!

There is only one real downside to this plan.

Morte lives in South Africa, I live in Canada, and there is way too much distance to actually push ourselves to go, so I suggested a blog to help motivate us.

Every time we go to the gym, we’re going to blog about it.  Every time we find a yummy, healthy food, we’re going to blog about it.  Every week when we weigh-in, and I take my measurements, we’re going to blog about it. If Morte doesn’t post his workouts and his food, I’m going to blog yell at him, and I expect him to do the same to me.  We’re in this together.

For me, this experience isn’t about what you see.  I don’t care if you think I have too many curves, this is my body and I need to be happy with it.  I’m working out and eating healthier because I want to be healthy.  I want to look in the mirror and know that I worked myself so hard that I’ve made myself healthy again.  I can do that, but I need your help, as my reader, and I need Morte’s help to keep pushing me to reach my goals and be a stronger, healthier person than I am now.

We’re officially starting this Fitness Adventure on Monday, May 2, 2011. The first post from the both of us will be our stats:


We’ll measure each part and post the totals to give ourselves a starting point, and weekly we’ll post the new totals so you can see our progress. Our goals will be posted with our starting point stats as well, so we can keep on track.

Don’t let us fall off the track, reader. Feel free to comment your encouragement to us!